Thursday, 12 December 2013

Chosen Digital portfolio design

The design I will choose is the third design because it seems perfect and it really stands out.

Monday, 9 December 2013

Digital Portfolio design 3

Good points:
This website is nice and beautiful. All the text is easily seen and it gives more of a lively feeling

Bad Points:
The text space and area to work with putting in information seems small. It could be bigger though 

Digital Portfolio design 2

Good Points:
Things that are good about this is that it is colorful and bright and nice. It is easy to navigate around and it looks more user friendly

Bad Points:
I was only able to keep text there but it was often highlighted. This might destroy my website look

Digital Portfolio design 1

Good Points:
My design has some creative ideas where it allows you to go to my school website and has details about all my activities and subjects studied saying what do we study.

Bad Points:
A problem with this is that it seems too basic. I could improve this by adding more photos and information instead of short sentences

weebly link: