Thursday, 31 October 2013

Digital Portfolios

Digital Portfolios
A wiki is an online webpage that allows you to freely create and edit content on a wiki with any web browser. Wikis is a webpage that allows many people to share their ideas and create an informative webpage that people will mostly find useful. The disadvantages of a wiki are that people can edit information to make them bias or false information. Blog is a short name for weblog. Blogs are made by one person informing others about a topic, blogs can be made private so other people can’t see and world-wide can’t edit the blog, it will be an advantage for world-wide to not edit so that they cannot make it bias. The disadvantage of blogs is that the creator of the blog could be bias or the person might have forgotten some information therefore leaving other people not knowing much about the topic. A blog is more like a personal diary or journal whereas wikis are online articles where many people can share information publically on a particular topic. Digital portfolios are is a way of showcasing different student achievements or basically a student can save their work to a disk, a CD or a web page.

Digital Portfolios are digitized information found in varieties of different forms like in media, photography, blogging, texts, diagrams and illustrations
The main important features of digital portfolios are the accessibility to portfolios, it is very easy to access and it is cheap. The portability of these portfolios is very easy considering the fact that it is digital, this is way easier than hardcopy versions.  Digital portfolios records mainly a student’s progress, teachers could use this to easily see their student’s progress and make and use this to mark or to come up with ways on how the student should improve. An advantage of digital portfolios is that it can be viewed by anyone at any time so this makes it easy to access needed information. The disadvantage is that there is high chance of plagiarism where people claim work from others as theirs.
One of a good digital portfolio is this one:
This digital portfolio is designed to be like a game, many people enjoy games so learning information from game like portfolio is cool. This portfolio contains game like animations, a character that you control to learn the information, external sites to click on to learn more information

1 comment:

  1. Well done. You have completed and posted ‘Describing a Digital Portfolio’ successfully.
